There’s an extremely simple way to reduce your heating and cooling costs without buying additional equipment. You can begin saving energy costs immediately when you set your thermostat properly.
It is normal to set an air conditioner thermostat between 75 and 80 degrees. It is normal to set the thermostat for your heating system between 68 and 72 degrees. You should always set your thermostat to the highest possible setting that is comfortable for you in the warmer months, and the lowest comfortable setting in the colder months. If you adjust your thermostat accordingly, you will maximize your energy savings.
How much money can you expect to save? On average, every 1 degree of temperature change is equal to about 10% energy savings. For example, changing your thermostat setting from 75 degrees to 76 degrees in the summer could result in about a 10% savings on your cooling costs.
Contact Our Experts for More Information
Contact our experts online or by calling us today for more information about setting your thermostat properly.