Looking for ideas on how your home energy costs? Want to explore green energy options? Lots of people don’t even know what geothermal heating and cooling system are or how they work. Here’s a simple explanation
The Earth collects about 50% of the sun’s energy and remains at a constant temperature of 50°F to 70°F depending on the geographic location. A system that utilizes geothermal energy, can use this constant temperature to offer you significant savings whenever you are trying to heat and cool your home.
What many individuals don’t realize is that it is possible to save as much as 60% of their energy costs when they compare them against traditional heating and cooling (HVAC) systems. There is no flame, no flue, no odors, and no loud outdoor equipment. A single compact unit can be used as a hot water heating system as well as for heating and air conditioning your home.
Contact Our Experts for More Information
Contact our experts for more information about geothermal heating. Call us today to ask about our geothermal heating systems.