Air Conditioning Costs Today – And Why 2023 Will Be Even Worse

It’s all because of EPA regulations.

See, in 2009, the EPA banned new R-22 systems. So, AC manufacturers switched to R-410A. The EPA will soon ban new R-410a systems, so AC manufacturers must switch again.

The cost of refrigerants (R-22 & R-410a), shot up as much as 500% from 2021 to 2022. Those prices will never come down again.

On top of that, starting in 2023, the EPA require manufacturers to produce even more efficient, even “greener” systems.

It’s a Good News / Bad News situation.

The good news is that starting in 2023, all new AC systems will be both greener and more efficient. The bad news is that greener and more efficient also means a whole lot more expensive.

Why should you care?

If you replace your old HVAC system before December 31, 2022, you’ll be able to buy one of the less expensive, pre-2023 systems. After December 31, all new systems will have to meet the new EPA requirements. And that means, all new systems will be more expensive.

So, even if your older AC system is still good, plan ahead.

Regular, professional maintenance is essential to keep it running as long as possible. Get your old AC system checked out by a competent professional (like us, for example!)

Spring AC Maintenance includes a 14-point system check-up, plus we clean all the built-up gunk, dirt and debris around your supply & return vents, your compressor, fans, and condenser.

Finally, we’ll give you honest feedback about how much life is left in your AC system. If it’s still got plenty of life, we will tell you. And if it’s in danger of suddenly leaving you with a miserable home, we’ll give you a no-nonsense, no-obligation estimate.

Call now to schedule your full HVAC system check-up

Look, we understand…

Nobody wants to buy a new HVAC system. Owning a new AC isn’t “fun” like owning a new car. It’s just one of those things you have to do, like laundry or going to the dentist.

Upgrade My AC Today!

We make it as easy and painless as possible. We’ve put together the most creative financing in the HVAC industry. Many of our customers have been able to replace their old, costly AC without spending any more money each month. I’ll bet Level 9 Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing can help you – contact us today!

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